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August 5, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

caffeine 2

Does Caffeine Stress You Out?

August 5, 2013 04:00 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

caffeine 2
We are wired... These days, we don’t often find ourselves running from mountain lions on our way to hunt for dinner, but our bodies are still wired to protect us from threats. Some more common threats we face in our time is mounting bills, busy jobs, raising teenagers, or… the amount of caffeine we put in our body. Caffeine increases cortisol levels in the body at rest, and exaggera... [More]

July 19, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

too pooped to party

Friday Inspiration -Too Pooped To Party?

July 19, 2013 04:15 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

too pooped to party
Am I the only one who stays up late all week doing things around the house, forcing myself to go to sleep so that I can get up for work the next day, in full anticipation of Friday when I can stay up late to party, or in my case, read that book that left me hanging in the last chapter? Then, when Friday finally rolls around, I find myself falling asleep at the dinner table. It is so unfair. But ... [More]

July 14, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

what can you do to raise awareness

What Can You Do To Raise Awareness?

July 14, 2013 14:33 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

what can you do to raise awareness
National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month Mental illness is the most common cause of disability, affecting one in four adults, and one in ten children in the United States, but minorities are less likely to receive care. National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month was created to raise awareness about mental illness in diverse communities and promote wellness and recovery. Statistically ... [More]

July 10, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

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Traumatic Stress: Natural Disasters

July 10, 2013 23:36 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

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In a matter of minutes, an entire community can be devastated by forces they cannot control. Whether it is natural or manmade, disasters are traumatic, and nearly everyone who experiences this kind of stress will need help coping with what they have experienced. Traumatic Stress Different types of natural disasters present different stress varying by how close the person is to the event. In ... [More]

July 7, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

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Did you "Google" the last person you hired?

July 7, 2013 00:37 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

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Networking has a new meaning in today's job market... The Past In the past, some of the best insight into whether a person would be a good fit for a company has been personal interviews, positive personal references, IQ tests, and personality testing. In our technologically changing world, there are new ways to gather this sort of information. Social networking, data-mining, and even games and v... [More]